MEDscience Program Back to Work!

MEDscience Program Back to Work!
Posted on 10/14/2022
MEDscience Field TripThis week marked a milestone for students in the MEDscience program as it was the first time they were able to travel to both of their field trip sites since before the pandemic! In this program, students take weekly field trips to Mt. Auburn hospital and ProEMS where they practice basic medical techniques and learn about various career opportunities in the medical field. In the classroom, students have been learning about the respiratory system. While visiting ProEMS this week, students practiced medical procedures that help treat respiratory distress, like oxygen bag valve masks, epi-pens, inhalers, and intubations.

Students worked as a team during simulation case studies where they diagnosed and treated patients with various respiratory problems. While visiting Mount Auburn Hospital, students met with respiratory therapists and toured a respiratory rehab unit.

The class is very excited to be able to have these hands-on learning experiences once again.